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Course Schedule

Course Setup

Professional Question

  • What technical content about operating systems will we cover this semester, how will we assess our mastery of this technical material, and how will we structure all aspects of this advanced course in operating systems?

Next Steps

Systems Introduction

Technical Questions

  • How can does the operating system use the principle of virtualization to manage the resources of a computer such as the process, memory, and file system? How does virtualization influence the way in which I program and use an operating system?

Next Steps

  • Introduction and Processes chapters in OSTEP
  • Check out the course slides for a detailed investigation of these chapters!
Technical Concepts
  • Virtualization: the process of taking a physical resource such as a processor or memory and transforming it into a more general, powerful, and easy-to-use virtual form.

Learning Opportunities

Interested in learning more about any of the topics on this schedule? If you are, then make sure to connect with members of the OS Sketch community for more learning opportunities. Remember, this course emphasizes building mastery of the course's learning objectives through the process of "learning by doing" As such, you can best understand the content on this schedule by completing all of the projects on this site!

Updated: 2022-08-31   Created: 2022-08-29
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